Returning to Energy - Certified Reiki 1&2

In this program we dive deep into every single person's development participating.

Free to be You!

You are not alone feeling stressed and lost. Maybe you are also captured in toxic environments that make you feel as if something is missing.
You are looking for something, but if you just knew what it is, then you could finally live the life you dream of. Relaxed, free and happy.
Aligned with who you really are. In your full power, connected to your intuition. Bringing your Essence to the world and living your purpose.

Returning to Energy caters to exactly that, aligning you with your true Energy and bringing it to the world, without having to change everything that you have built up so far.

Activating your self-healing powers, working with universal energy (Reiki), and becoming a clear channel for your energy.
See below for more details.
Apply now!

There is a life beyond you can imagine!

Imagine a life where you are connected to something greater, something inside you that gives you the possibility to live the life you have dreamt of. I am not talking about outside cravings, but the feeling of being arrived, home, bliss and alignment. A feeling of: "Everything is exactly how it's supposed to be!" Your body relaxes and there is more ease in your life, going through the highs and the lows. Riding the waves of life in a flow, aligned to your purpose. Living your true energetic talents.

and here is how:


Becoming the Clear Channel for your Unique Energy.(Becoming authentically you).


Activating Healing and your Personal Intuitive Talents.


Diving Deep.
Finding your Core Blockage and going into Personal Transformation.

The problem is...

The first step is always the hardest.

  • There are many doubts, if there is really a way out of your situations and that this could really help you.
  • Fear that your life might change in a way that you don't like. And that people around you might leave you.
  • That you are not capable of working with energy, or what happens if you start opening up to it.

Here's the truth

It doesn't have to be this way

The first step takes courage, and courage means to walk through your fears.
Behind those fears, is a life where your relationships prosper, because you are aligned with who you are.
Where seeing clearly your energy and what path it takes to bring you the joy, freedom and alignment in your life.

Imagine how would your whole surrounding feel and life change when you feel: joy, alignment, free and connected to yourself?

The truth is, you are the creator of your life, and you will be able to decide how you want to create it.
Free Break-Through Call

"Before, I trudged through life, stumbling at times and not really coming to my senses. I was caught up in my emotions and in the living conditions that surround us all. I wouldn't have given myself the strength that lies dormant within me and that can now be a good friend to me in everyday life. I thank you and Sylvia from the bottom of my heart."

Barbara Rattay, Life Coach and Reiki Master

Returning to Energy
(Certified Reiki1&2)

The Break-Through Certified Course to living your true Essence in a World of Chaos.
This Course caters to every single person's individual needs and transformations.

Proven roadmap

You will be guided step by step, learning tools that you can integrate into your daily life.

This is NOT another course where the tools land in the cupboard. We work on integrating on all the work in person.


You will be Certified in Reiki 1 and 2 during this course. Most people attending don't choose to do it professionally, but you have the option.

Private community

This is a long term accompaniment that insures that you can implement your practice in daily life.

This active community, of like-minded people, supports each other in healing. As well as, I will be there to answer any questions.

When east meets west.

You will have the support of two Reiki Masters in the Course, one bringing the Eastern philosophies and one bringing the Western philosophies.